Remak DoorMaster P - industrial air door curtains
Industrial door air curtains Remak DoorMaster P are air handling devices that create an aerodynamic barrier to suppress free airflow between the indoor and outdoor environment. The second important function of Remak DoorMaster P door air curtains is to mix the remaining penetrating air with the heated air in the door curtain installation area, resulting in a reduction of the negative sensation of cold airflow. DoorMaster P air door curtains are designed for indoor installation in a dry environment above or next to the door.
Remak DoorMaster P high-pressure door air curtains feature a significantly lower price and incomparably more economical operation compared to competitive low-pressure air curtains. Remak DoorMaster P air curtains are characterised by a narrow outlet slot which has a high pressure drop of hundreds of Pa at outlet air velocities of 10 to 18 m/s. Remak DoorMaster P air curtains are designed for indoor installation (ordinary, basic environment) above or next to the door. The screens are suitable for all buildings where a higher frequency of movement of transport and handling equipment can be expected. They are most commonly installed in production halls, industrial halls, warehouse halls, loading bays, freight entrances, car repair shops, garages or car washes.
DoorMaster P screens from Remak are available in 4 performance ranges with exit slot lengths designed for specific doors. The screen and its parts are made of galvanised sheet metal (without external colour treatment as standard. The fixed outlet slot has integrated directional guide leaves. The screen is delivered unfolded. The individual elements of the door screen are connected to each other by means of rail flanges, while the prescribed order of the individual parts must always be observed.
Design of Remak DoorMaster P door air curtains: